Twenty five children took part in the contest, mostly from Poland but also children from Romania and the United States participated. Twenty eight artworks were registered. They were made using a variety of art techniques. Children's invention was visible in their projects and although the level of artistry was various, all of them were conscientiously prepared. Independence theme was well understood by the young artists.
The international jury panel did not have an easy task. The artworks drew the attention of the jurors
by the richness of their content. Projects made in atypical techniques or in a non-standard arrangement were appreciated. However, the typical painting works with strong artistic and narrative assets received the highest marks. But also the less artistic works, such as posters full of content, pretty blended into the theme
of the contest. Jurors were impressed with the level of all submitted works and congratulated the participants on their great success. Therefore all the kids who took part in the contest can feel like winners.

Long live Poland! 1st Place 4-8 age category

I love my homeland like fighters for independence 2nd Place 4-8 age category

The past and today 9-14 age category

Long live Poland! 1st Place 4-8 age category