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Take part



The International Children's Art Contest is open to all the children

in the SHAPE community. It aims to showcase the 100th anniversary

of the rebirth of POLAND. Join us in the celebration of this incredible anniversary!


The principal theme of the contest is independence:


  • independence in the history of Poland (see                story)

  • independence as a treasure of the nations

  • independence of a nation in its language, culture and heritage

  • how can one take care of independence of one’s nation?

  • how did the nation fight for its independence?




[in-di-pen-duh ns]


  1. Also independency. the state or quality of being independent.

  2. freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.

  3. Archaic. a competency.

Art techniques


  • drawing

  • painting

  • mix media

  • collage

Eligibility conditions

  • The exhibition is open to all the children in the SHAPE community between 4 and 19 years old.

  • The maximum format for an entry is 70 × 50 cm.

  • A maximum of two entries by one artist is acceptable.

  • The entries using colours that can be dusted or wiped must be fixed (pastel etc.).

  • Only original artworks are acceptable. Copies or photocopies will not be eligible for assessment.

  • Only the entries that are consistent with the theme of the contest will be eligible for assessment. Larger entries, entries in passe-partout, mounted on colour or other papers and entries without a proper label will not be accepted.

Registration of artworks

To register your entry, please fill out the WORK IDENTIFICATION LABEL, available for download at the subpage              in the box in the upper right corner OR to be picked up from the SHAPE International Library (123years Contest box). Each artwork has to have the following label attached to its backside. Please, fill in the label LEGIBLY, with BLOCK ROMAN LETTERS (preferably on a PC). Works with illegible or incomplete labels will be excluded from the contest.


Bring your artwork to the hall of the SHAPE International Library between 8th October and 6th November and put it in the 123years Contest box.


Group age 4-8 years old

  • 3 x Nintendo consoles

  • Honorable mentions


Group age 9-14 years old

  • 3 x Polaroid cameras

  • Honorable mentions


Group age 15-19 years old

  • 3 x Kindles

  • Honorable mentions



Results of the competition will be published on 11th November - Poland's Independence Day. All the laureats will be informed by e-mail. 26th Noveber 2018 during the ceremonial opening of the exhibition ending our contest, prizes will be distributed to the laureates. The exhibition of prized artworks will be available in the International SHAPE Liblary until 8th December 2018. All the entries participating in the contest will be presented on the web ehxibition 1st December 2018.





The organizer reserves the right to use the received entries for other non-commercial exhibitions and charitable events and to reproduce them in print or on the website. The entries will not be returned.



© 2018 by Justyna Balicka


Zrzut ekranu 2018-09-30 o 23.11.00_edite




of Poland

Zrzut ekranu 2018-09-30 o 23.23.32.png
Zrzut ekranu 2018-09-30 o 23.37.20.png
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